Are you ready for a permanent blackout?... Grid Down is far from science fiction
Be Ready Planner
Tranquility cannot last. Challenging times are inevitable.
We must Plan, Prepare and Be Ready while we still enjoy peace and access to power…
This site aims to provide a balanced and phased approach to preparedness and self-sufficiency in preparation for a Grid Down crisis; a long-term, nation-wide Blackout.
Five Stages of Planning and Training
On this site we outline 5 stages of preparedness, with a focus on preparing for a Grid Down / Blackout crisis. The stages are organized to provide a graduated approach to preparedness so that newcomers and veterans can find ideas and resources to strengthen their survival plans.
The levels should be considered as a general outline, and should be adapted based on the person’s individual needs and location. For instance, if you reside in the desert you should focus on water, or if you’re a resident of a northern state you should prioritize heating for your home, whereas an urban dweller may consider defense items sooner…
In each of these Stages we seek to answer and expand on these tough questions for when the power goes out:
Without power.....
- Where will our water come from?
- What will we eat?
- How will we heat our homes?
- What will we do when we get sick and there are no doctors or pharmacies?
- How will we protect ourselves, our home and our supplies?
- How will we communicate with others who are out of sight and beyond yelling distance?
- Which of our neighbors will be helpful, which will become refugees and beggars, and which may become bandits?
Stage 1 - Fundamentals
In this first level of the Plan we will lay a solid foundation. In many ways the idea of the leveling system represents the time we can expect to make it into the crisis before requiring help, but it is not focused on the duration itself. Using this philosophy we can walk our way into a balanced approach of preparedness, and avoid the tendency for us humans to hyper-focus on any one preparation category (for instance, stocking a year’s worth of food, but neglecting health or security)
Level 1 is more than just assembling ‘a 72 hour bag‘, it is the groundwork from which we will expand.
Stage 2 - Foundation
In Level 2 we are expanding our capabilities rapidly, further extending the time we can make it without resupply, and greatly enhancing our medical preparations as well as our communications equipment, helping us be ready to survive through serious illness and also be more capable of reaching out to other survivors who may be out of our line of sight.
Stage 3 - Reaching Further
At Level 3 we are really catching our stride. Many of the low-level basics are covered and now we’re able to reach for enhanced capabilities in certain focus areas and truly strengthen our Plan.
Stage 4 - Solid Capabilities
After fleshing out the 3 previous levels we are becoming very capable of survival, and so for Level 4 we begin to shift our focus from ‘Survive’ to ‘Thrive’. Herein there are big life changes, which will dramatically enhance our staying power and fortify our independence during a Grid Down crisis.
Stage 5 - Bring it On
At this point, we’ve done almost everything we possibly can to complete our Plan, and we’re as Ready as we can be. Hopefully along the way we’ve made good friend, earned strong allies, and grown our knowledge. I’m sure we’re better people today than we were when we began this exercise because we’ve got the gear, we’ve honed our abilities and we’re not alone in our endeavors…. but we can’t do it alone.
So, stage 5 is all about tying it together with community.
Dig Deeper
It is impossible to predict the future and to know exactly what kind of crisis we will face. However, preparing for Grid Down, a Nation Wide Blackout, will enable us to be ready for any other multitude of emergencies. All we can do is study and speculate, and then create a Plan for ourselves and our families, such that we have tilted the probabilities to be more in our favor.
Follow the link below to access our compilation of resources and knowledge to educate yourself on preparedness topics, and some of the science that predicts the troubling times ahead.
More people planning and prepping today will result in less victims later.