Do It Yourself - EMP Resistant Containers


In this section we outline how to create DIY EMP-Resistant Containers from easily available materials, and without the need for any tools besides a pair of scissors.


An Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) is a man-made event, where a high yield nuclear device is detonated high in the atmosphere in low-earth orbit. By detonating the nuclear device in this manner, the explosion creates an E-M Wave, or Pulse, which has the potential to create an extremely high instantaneous ‘shock’ to susceptible systems. The systems which have the greatest susceptibility are small electronics, like cell phones, laptops, handheld radios, etc… Although we mostly consider an EMP to be a low probability event, the aftermath is catastrophic. See the USAF’s report on EMP effects on our Learn More page.

Supply List:

  • Metal Tash Cans with tight fitting lids
  • Faraday Fabric
  • Silvered Duct Tape
  • Cardboard
  • Other tape (painter’s tape, masking tape, standard duct tape)
  • Scissors


  1. Clean the inside of the trash cans to remove the machining oil used during fabrication (otherwise the tape won’t stick properly).
  2. Tape over all the seams and penetrations of the trash can, both container and lid. 
  3. Cut cardboard and tape in place to line the inside of the container, so that electronics don’t touch the can itself.
  4. Load the container with all of the electronics you intend to protect from EMP.
  5. Cut a piece of cardboard to place on top of the electronics.
  6. Cut a piece of Farday Fabric, so that it hangs over the open container by several inches on all sides.
  7. Press down lid and make sure it has a good tight seal.

List of Items to Protect:

  • Simple AM/FM emergency radio
  • Handheld HAM or GMRS radio
  • Spare Cell Phone
  • Battery Charger for AA/AAA/CR123
  • AC-DC Inverter
  • Car Battery trickle charger
  • Fluke Multimeter
  • Handheld GPS (although, GPS satellites will likely have been affected as well)
  • Night Vision Goggles, Thermal Scopes or other smart Scopes
  • Laser Emitters/Pointers/Rangefinders

Final Thoughts:

  • Remember that even though an EMP is a low probability event, it would occur without warning, and there will be no time to react, so preventative storage must be the SOP…. so for the Love of Pete, keep your stuff in the tins when not being actively used!  
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