A storm is coming

Plan for the Worst, Pray for the Best

We are the most technologically advanced human society this planet has ever hosted. Our technologies give us strength and comfort in this modern world, but they are our Achilles Heal at the same time. We have increased our standard of living through efficiency and specialization, but these luxuries come at the cost of our cultural memory for 'simple living'. When the electricity disappears, so does our advanced society and simple living will be difficult again.

Although we Pray it will never happen, we are planning to endure an extended Grid Down crisis, a Permanent Blackout.

Once the grocery store's are empty, and the dairy and meat in our fridges has spoiled, most people in our advanced society will be forced into individual desperation... and then chaos will reign.

Any number of potential triggers or events would culminate into a Grid Down situation (War, Terrorism, EMP, Solar CME). For we Americans, Grid Down would be a crisis of unimaginable terror and hardship. When the grid goes down, so does this great nation and her people.

“Cease to Hope and you will cease to Fear.”
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Great Preparedness Sites

  • Solar Storm Risk to the NA Grid, by Lloyd’s and the Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc – (PDF)
  • The Solar Cycle, Geology, and Geoelectric Hazards for Power Grids, by USGS – (PDF)
  • North Korea: EMP Threat, by US Dept. Homeland Security EMP Task Force – (PDF)
  • NukeMap – Interactive Map showing blast radius and fallout – LINK
  • The Family Fallout Shelter, by Office of Defense and Civil Mobilization – PDF 
  • Family Shelter Designs, by Department of Defense – PDF
  • Protecting Family and Livestock from Nuclear Fallout, by University of Hawaii – PDF
  • Nuclear Radiation Shielding Protection and Halving Thickness Values – LINK

Videos - Instructional

Videos - Firearms Related

  • C_DOES Youtube Channel – C_DOES (Youtube)
      • A great and growing series of reviews on riflescopes; he maintains an objective and practical perspective
  • Red Dot vs. Prism vs. LPVO – deltathirtyfour (Youtube)
      • This video contains a comprehensive and objective analysis on the pros and cons of each optic type
  • Reticle Comparison – deltathirtyfour (Youtube)
      • For more than just ACOGs this video explains benefits and drawbacks of certain reticle types as well as a great discussion on varying light levels in the ‘real world’

Videos - Fictional

Podcasts and Sites we follow:

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