Quick Prep Guide:

Updated: 7/26/2024

If you are new, in a rush, and under pressure, this Quick Prep Guide will jump start your preps. For around $1000 you will check off the most critical areas of preparedness; clean drinking water, shelf-stable and healthy food, cooking food without electricity, life-saving emergency medicine, and personal security.

Even as a seasoned prepper, if you were given 48 hours of notice for SHTF, much of the below encompasses exactly the items you would target ahead of an imminent crisis.

  • 100 lbs of rice
  • 50 lbs of beans
  • Portable Stove, 1-burner
  • Propane tanks for your stove (6)
  • Katadyn Water Filter
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • Jugs or Gallons of Drinking water
  • Jase Case
  • 12 gauge pump shotgun
  • Buckshot ammo

Portable Stove

Katadyn Water Filter

Water Purification Tablets

Jase Case

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